Cantor Shana Onigman finds her joy in teaching, learning, and singing within the vibrant MJCBY community. Whether she’s guiding B’nai Mitzvah students, teaching in the religious school, strumming her guitar for preschoolers, diving into Jewish texts with adults, or baking challah for Shabbat dinners, Shana is deeply embedded in the communal fabric of MJCBY.
Her journey to becoming a Cantor was shaped at Hebrew College in Brookline, MA, where she received her ordination, and her scholarly pursuits continued at the Jewish Theological Seminary in Manhattan. Shana’s family life is equally rich in music and tradition. Her husband, Matthew, a skilled piano tuner and technician, leads the high holy day choir at MJCBY. Their eldest child explores the intersection of music and neuroscience at Smith College, while their son Ilan adds his rhythm to Shabbat services on the drum and brings a unique flair to the weekly announcements.
Cantor Shana Onigman embodies the spirit of MJCBY through her dedication to creating a harmonious and engaging community, where every note and nuance invites connection and reflection.